Primary School Pastoral Care

This term our Year 6 girls’ pastoral care program moved from Monday to Tuesday between 3.35 to 5 pm. Our program involves discussion, games and fun activities. We provide refreshments for our students after school. This term we had a new mentor, Saiida, who is a computer engineer and is assisting Year 6 girls with the pastoral care programs.

During Term 3, the Year 6 girls went to Nando’s. We also had our weekend camp in week 7. The camp included reading sessions and special activities. Students participated in the Bounce excursion on the Sunday.

The Year 6 pastoral care girls were extremely busy this term with the qurban campaign. Students actively participated in the campaign by working in and out of the school. At school, students ran many fundraising stalls. Outside of school they sold chocolates to their families and neighbours. I am proud to inform you that we, as the Year 6 pastoral care girls’ team collected 76 qurban this year, Alhamdulillah. I would like to thank all of my students and their families for their tremendous effort and support. Year 6 pastoral care girls will receive a special reward soon for coming first in the qurban campaign amongst all classes in our campus.

I wish everyone a healthy and joyful term break.

Ms Neslihan Kirazli